Our Services

The KickersZone Kicking/Punting Lessons with Coach Nolan and his Staff

In 1975 Coach Nolan was the first kicking coach to offer true one on one private kicking and punting lessons and over the years has held large and small sized lessons so we will ensure you have not only an understanding of the fundamentals from a beginner’s standpoint, or are in need of taking your kicking craft to the next level.

If your goal is to take this on more seriously we can take your game to the next level based on our 50 plus years in assisting high school college and NFL kicking specialists.

The specialist part of the game is now more important than ever, and as we have said is a third of the game so to perform and train (not just get ranked). Knowing the proven techniques from the kicking game to the recruiting game (especially during the Pandemic) combined with our kicking and punting manuals are a valued part of success as a football specialist.

  • Private One on One Instruction:

    This is where we started and why others have jumped on the bandwagon so to speak. In this age of growing specialization; one on one instruction to kickers, punters, and long snappers is becoming more and more the norm. Our private lessons have been the most critical part of our company’s DNA to ensure that as a kicking and long snapping specialists you are getting the most out of your skills and for what we coined your Return On Instruction (ROI).

    We were also the first kicking organization to provide video analysis and built the first Coaching On Demand software platform dedicated to the kicking specialists so as to quickly assess potential problem areas and fix them, based on what we see on the field so you can further become more successful.

  • Small Group Quarterly Lessons: Atlanta, Athens, Marietta, Roswell ,Whitewater GA

    Our camps are offered to provide deep instruction as well as informal competition amongst the kickers with charting contests and an eye-opening opportunity to witness some of our instructors we have worked with who have gone on to become high school and college All Americans, and have played in the NFL.

    This provides the young specialists to hear and see from our instructors what their own journey was like and to watch and learn from others what it takes BOTH mentally and physically to succeed! Our small camps provide a great environment to learn, compete and practice with others in both non-game and game situations.

    These camps by design will never have more than 20 kicking specialists at our quarterly instruction camps and our ratio of instructor to camper at these camps is 4 campers to each 1 certified Kickers Zone instructor. Over an 8-hour period a kicking specialist will receive 6 hours of training, and 1 hour of competition (with an hour break for lunch). During some of our lunch breaks we'll also hold "recruiting" issues where we bring in some of our former kickers parents in a great Q&A session!

Our staff includes Durant Brooks (2007 Ray Guy Award) Collin Barber UGA Punter, and Marshall Morgan UGA kicker who were all trained by coach Nolan, and have themselves become great kicking/punting instructors.

For College-Bound Athletes

Our 39th Year of Kicking and Punting Advanced FRAMEWORK Series

The "world" of the Kicking and Punting Specialists these days in High School still has MANY a kicking Specialist told by their HS coaches to "just go over to the other field and "kick". We have solved this problem. We've taken our 50 years and designed from our old "Kicking and Punting "bible" we developed over 39 years ago and which is in HUNDREDS of High Schools and Colleges throughout the US, and since then just about EVERY high school kicking specialist; college and NFL has used in their practices and on game days

We've developed a Day-by-Day set of drills (one for the Kicker and one for the Punter) ALL broken down and timed to meet your needs and your coaching staff and By EACH day of the week! Each new Framework Series comes with each Drill carefuly explained in DETAIL. Some of these drills you may already be doing from seeing Coach Nolan's other kicking Specialists who have gone on to college and over 20 NFL current anf Former NFL Players, and some you have seen that are copy cat versions of our drills, but do not have the same effectiveness we have tested over and over again, and is why we are called "the OG of Kicking and Punting Drills".

  • The Kickers’ Zoneâ„¢ KICKING FRAMEWORK

    This Proven Framework Series has been developed over the past 36 years (and addedd news ones EACH year) to offer the serious high school kicker a DAILY and HOURLY set of over 25 Drills to help hone in their drills and more importantly their accuracy and strength. For the High School Special Teams coach (or Head Coach) provides proven drills so you as a coach just don't just say to a kicker.."Just go over and do drillwork", when may times they have no idea what drills to do!


    The FRAMEWORK series is completely designed with the high school kicker in mind.. We know many times you really don't know what to do, or more important what you are NOT doing to correct an issue. This Framework Series is designed to not only "fix" issues, but explains what to do, and how to fix them.

  • The Kickers’ Zoneâ„¢ PUNTING Framework Series

    Designed for the SERIOUS high School Punter, who is looking to take their Punting Talents to the next level. Over 25 PROVEN technical and Functional Punting Drills by the founder of the game Punt/GolfTM


    These drills have been used by nearly EVERY Punting Specialists in high school, college and the NFL over the years. The Framework Punting Series provides the more SERIOUS Punter who just doesn't want to ONLY hit that big ball but wants to expereince what they will need to do in College. From Directionals, and Rugby Rolls and Aussie this Framework is designed for you to really bring your Punting Game to the Next Level;especially in the area of the International 20 something year old Freshman Aussie Punter coming in, and the wild west of the Transfer Portal punters




    This Walkthrough is a great BONUS for the Kicker/Punter on what to do BEFORE THE GAME! We know that on Friday nights the Head Coaches and the staff are too busy directing the other parts of the game.

    We break down specifically WHAT you should be doing and why! An excellent resource for any Kicker and Punter .

  • New 2-and 4 Week Conditioning Weight Training Guide

    New 2-and 4 Week Conditioning Weight Training Guide

    Designed by Marc Nolan and Mr. Alvis Vaughn who is the only 11 time MR. UNIVERSE Body Building Champion.Our Guide provides for the High School Student Athlete some outstanding workouts that will not only increase your power and training but designed to provide you drills that are effective both IN Season and Out of Season as you continually have to stay in top shape


  • Nutritional Guide

    We have developed a very specific Nutritional Guide with the High School Athlete in Mind! Having trained THOUSANDS of high School specialists we know the stress and anxiety moving from one sport to another and the rigors of the classroom setting POST Covid. That is why we have designed this awesome guide! Wheter yoyu are looking to maintain, Gain or lose some weighr this guide brings it into full view and the problems many of you face


    Co-Designed by Mr. Alvis Vaughn the ONLY 11 TIME MR UNIVERSE BODY BUILDING CHAMPION and Coach Marc Nolan we walk through some great Nutritional aspects whether you as a high school athlete are looking to gain weitght, lose weight, or simply maintain weight this guiide offers DAILY steps by step things to do to assist you in the goals you are seeking.

Buy Now $597.00

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The FRAMEWORK series is completely designed with the high school kicker in mind.. We know many times you really don't know what to do, or more important what you are NOT doing to correct an issue. This Framework Series is designed to not only "fix" issues, but explains what to do, and how to fix them.

Buy Now $597.00

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These drills have been used by nearly EVERY Punting Specialists in high school, college and the NFL over the years. The Framework Punting Series provides the more SERIOUS Punter who just doesn't want to ONLY hit that big ball but wants to expereince what they will need to do in College. From Directionals, and Rugby Rolls and Aussie this Framework is designed for you to really bring your Punting Game to the Next Level;especially in the area of the International 20 something year old Freshman Aussie Punter coming in.

Buy Now $397.00

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Co-Designed by Mr. Alvis Vaughn the ONLY 9 TIME MR UNIVERSE BODY BUILDING CHAMPION and Coach Marc Nolan we walk through some great Nutritional aspects whether you as a high school athlete are looking to gain weitght, lose weight, or simply maintain weight this guiide offers DAILY steps by step things to do to assist you in the goals you are seeking.

Buy Now $897.00

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In this Bundle Package, you'll see over 50 Kicking and Punting drills designed by Coach Nolan over the years as well as his latest ones JUST RELEASED to really KICK your game into high gear. Just think for the "cost" of just one kicking camp you'll be able to practice your craft with a FRAMEWORK designed for YOU developed by Coach Nolan.

Buy Now $397.00

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Designed by Marc Nolan and Mr. Alvis Vaughn who is the only 9 time MR. UNIVERSE Body Building Champion our Guide provides for the High School student Athlete some outstanding drills that will not only increase your power and training but deigned to provide you drills that are effective.